<%@ CodePage=65001 Language="VBScript"%> <% Option Explicit %> <% ' This is the function that sends the results of the uploading process. Function SendResults( errorNumber, fileUrl, fileName, customMsg ) Response.Write "" Response.End End Function %> <% ' Check if this uploader has been enabled. If ( ConfigIsEnabled = False ) Then SendResults "1", "", "", "This file uploader is disabled. Please check the ""editor/filemanager/upload/asp/config.asp"" file" End If ' The the file type (from the QueryString, by default 'File'). Dim resourceType If ( Request.QueryString("Type") <> "" ) Then resourceType = Request.QueryString("Type") Else resourceType = "File" End If ' Create the Uploader object. Dim oUploader Set oUploader = New NetRube_Upload oUploader.MaxSize = 0 oUploader.Allowed = ConfigAllowedExtensions.Item( resourceType ) oUploader.Denied = ConfigDeniedExtensions.Item( resourceType ) oUploader.GetData If oUploader.ErrNum > 1 Then SendResults "202", "", "", "" Else Dim sFileName, sFileUrl, sErrorNumber, sOriginalFileName, sExtension sFileName = "" sFileUrl = "" sErrorNumber = "0" ' Map the virtual path to the local server path. Dim sServerDir sServerDir = Server.MapPath( ConfigUserFilesPath ) If ( Right( sServerDir, 1 ) <> "\" ) Then sServerDir = sServerDir & "\" End If Dim oFSO Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ' Get the uploaded file name. sFileName = oUploader.File( "NewFile" ).Name sExtension = oUploader.File( "NewFile" ).Ext sOriginalFileName = sFileName Dim iCounter iCounter = 0 Do While ( True ) Dim sFilePath sFilePath = sServerDir & sFileName If ( oFSO.FileExists( sFilePath ) ) Then iCounter = iCounter + 1 sFileName = RemoveExtension( sOriginalFileName ) & "(" & iCounter & ")." & sExtension sErrorNumber = "201" Else oUploader.SaveAs "NewFile", sFilePath If oUploader.ErrNum > 0 Then SendResults "202", "", "", "" Exit Do End If Loop Response.Write( sFilePath ) sFileUrl = ConfigUserFilesPath & sFileName SendResults sErrorNumber, sFileUrl, sFileName, "" End If Set oUploader = Nothing %>